Literally Lauren

A blog about me- literally.

WW magic! October 14, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren E. Fielder @ 1:53 pm

A big part of my job is to tell women how to improve their health and reduce their risk for disease.I often wondered if my work would actually cause someone to reduce their risk.  A big risk factor that has become an epidemic in America is obesity. And ironically, I was obese.  Something about a pot calling a kettle… So I decided to DO SOMETHING. I joined Weight Watchers on May 20 of this year.  It was really hard for me to figure out how the whole points thing works, but after a while, it became part of my life. 

Sometimes I’m really good and stick perfectly with the plan.  Other times, I’m not so good and blow it.  But today, I crossed the “lost 30 pounds” mark.  I can’t believe it. Make no mistake, I still have a ways to go, but it doesn’t seem real that I’ve lost that much. 

I’m writing all of this to brag, of course, but also to let you know that making small changes in your life really can make a big difference.  And, if you are one of the lucky few who preach that message to make a living– thank you.  It really is working. We are making a difference.


Did I stutter, WW Wednesday July 1, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Lauren E. Fielder @ 4:19 pm
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Well, today is Wednesday.  For me, Wednesday means more than the middle of the week.  It’s my weigh-in day for Weight Watchers. This Wednesday weigh-in ritual is really starting to become second nature to me and I’m glad for that. And I am excited that I’m finally doing something to lose weight (something healthy- I’ve tried tons of other things, but this one doesn’t feel like I’m tricking my body or dizzy all the time).

I started my WW journey on May 20th, 2009. I have to add the year because it feels like it will be years from now before I reach my magical goal weight.  I’m not going to tell you my beginning number, but I will say that when I started,  my goal was 69.2 pounds away.  That’s like shedding an entire toddler!  Good grief.  I know that number seems very specific and technical with the x.x pounds, but WW gives me over-informative, horrifyingly powerful stickers every week.  Each week they say “Lauren is awesome/bad for losing/gaining X pounds.”  Luckily, so far, the sticker gods have been kind to me and I  haven’t yet been shamed by their truth-telling.

I’m super pumped to report that as of 12:17p CST today, I’m down 15.4. Booya!  Crazy amounts of back patting is going down right now.


 It’s not so secret I guess.  Yes, I’ve been diligently counting every calorie, fat gram and fiber gram for 8 weeks now and putting all of this into my handy-dandy online points tracker.  It’s a huge pain in my large, but down 15.4, butt.  I’ve also been attending the weekly meetings.  I know they’re lame, but it is awesome to connect with my people and hear about the huge piece of cake they really wanted to eat, or how to make low-point ranch dip.

Almost 2 months of WW down, and about 6 to go. And believe me- it. is. on.